A worksite wellness program will help your employees reduce stress, decrease illness, and increase energy.

The Healthy Arizona Worksite Award seeks to recognize employers that are making evidence-based efforts to support the health and well-being of their employees and their families. Organizations that meet the Healthy Arizona Worksite Award criteria will be recognized in statewide communications, at a recognition event, and on this website.

Why Worksite Wellness?


    A Platinum Level Award is awarded to businesses making an impact both within and beyond their walls addressing one or more of the many health challenges impacting communities across the state. Platinum level awardees have demonstrated data driven programming and are leveraging cross-sector collaborations or partnerships improving the health, well-being, and equity of their community.

  • GOLD

    A Gold Level Award is awarded to businesses that are tracking and documenting outcomes and behavior change. Gold level programs have demonstrated institutional support and have integrated worksite health programs with business policies and benefits. Their programming is data and outcomes driven.


    The Silver award level indicates that an employer’s worksite program has the minimum components needed for a comprehensive worksite health program including, senior level management support, an active wellness team, a program budget, and use of data.


    The Copper award level recognizes a business that has taken the initial steps to receive worksite health training, gain leadership support, begin organizational assessment, create infrastructure supports and fashion an introductory worksite health improvement plan.

None of this could have been done alone. [It] was a collaborative effort between us and everybody in the community.

Benson Hospital


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