Emergency Preparedness is Healthy Too!

If disaster strikes a business the impacts include more than property damage and business disruption. Employees may be injured or temporarily out of a job. A healthy and safe workforce recovers quicker from an emergency.

In this session, Maricopa County Department of Public Health Emergency Planner, Katie Turnbow and Planning Supervisor, Marcus Castle, share how wellness programs help employees stay resilient to emergencies and why preparedness is the key to keeping your organization’s mission essential functions alive. They will help answer questions about continuity of operations, emergency response plans, and Partners in Public Health Preparedness.

Participants will learn:

  • Why preparedness is important & part of workplace wellness
  • How to encourage preparedness in your organization
  • How a company itself can be prepared (business continuity)
  • What are Partners in Public Health Preparedness
  • Where to find Public Health specific readiness programs to provide to your employees

Resources mentioned in the webinar:

On-Demand webinar access, slides, and video files are below
For more information visit healthyazworksites.org, or contact Sherry Haskins at:
Telephone: (602)-372-7034
E-Mail: info@healthyazworksites.org


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